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Have you ever heard of a hydrogel? It's a special material that scientists and engineers are using to revolutionize medicine! In this session, we will create our own gel-like substance with a biomedical engineering researcher. Explore how hydrogels are made in the lab, and learn how they can be used to improve how medicine gets to parts of the body.

Expert: Lia Huo is a biomedical engineering candidate pursuing a dual MD and PhD degree at the University of Toronto. She is one of five Canadian researchers who were awarded a L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science fellowship in 2023.

April 20th, 2024 from  1:00 PM to  2:00 PM
Online Event,
Event Fee(s)
Event fee
Virtual member CA$0.00
Non-virtual member CA$16.00
Time Zone
Time Zone for Event time Toronto