Teens!  We want you!  Join the CAGIS Teen Ambassadors Program.

This program is for female and gender-diverse teens across Canada aged 13*-17 with interest in science, technology, trades, engineering, or mathematics (STEM).

  • Participate in 12 or more CAGIS Virtual events in the 2024-2025 season (weekly events on Saturdays**, from Sept - June) with your camera on.

  • Attend periodic Teen Ambassadors meetings to share your thoughts and opinions.

  • Share your experiences with CAGIS periodically in written and/or video form. A subset may be shared publicly with your permission (optional).

  • Be an ambassador for CAGIS among your peers within the CAGIS sessions and, if you feel comfortable, online on social media.

  • Work on special projects with CAGIS and other Teen Ambassadors.

  • There may be additional optional opportunities throughout the year.

*Applicants who will turn 13 by December 31, 2024 are eligible to apply

**CAGIS Virtual sessions take place at 10 am Pacific, 11 am Mountain, 12 pm Central, 1 pm Eastern, 2 pm Atlantic. Most of these sessions will be your choice.  CAGIS may specifically request the participation of teen ambassadors at certain sessions.



  • Receive free CAGIS Virtual Membership ($200 value).

  • Meet and interact with amazing experts in STEM fields.

  • Interact with other youth who love STEM.

  • Participate in fun and engaging virtual sessions. 

  • Be a role model for younger kids and teens.

  • Count volunteer hours toward requirements in your jurisdiction.

  • Gain valuable experience to build your resume.

  • Be eligible for letters of reference.

Please apply by 11:59 pm Pacific Time on August 18th, 2024.
Selected applicants will be notified early in September. 

To apply, complete the form below.

Do you live in or near Oakville, Ontario? Click here for an additional in-person Teen Ambassadors opportunity.  

Teen Ambassador Application *
Total Amount
Teen Ambassador Application
Tell us about yourself. Submit a written response or short video introducing yourself and telling us something STEM related (it could be telling us what your favourite STEM topic is, sharing a fun fact, or something else). If you choose to create a video, paste a video link (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive link, or link to a personal site) in the box below.
The following three questions are quiz questions. They test your knowledge and understanding of the written information, above the form. You will find the answer to most of these questions in the text that describes the program and its benefits, above.
If you are a reapplying Teen Ambassador who DID NOT complete the program last year, please explain what you would do differently this year in order to complete the requirements.
I am the parent/guardian of the named participant(s). By selecting yes, I am giving consent for my child/ward to participate in the Teen Ambassadors Program, as described above. By selecting yes, I am also providing consent for a photograph, the first name, and information about my child/ward to be posted online in relation to the CAGIS Teen Ambassadors Program. By selecting yes, I am also providing consent for videos or images of weekly live sessions with my child/ward to be recorded and posted or re-shared in part or in full online at a later date.
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address